EMU Breeding

EMU Breeding:
Breeding is a natural process of reproduction in the animal kingdom.

• Bringing the Emus together for mating is a lively affair.

• Emus get sexually matured after 2 years or between 20 – 24 months.

• Emus’ breeds during winter and rainy seasons.

• In early stages, female approaches male, during that time they are very playful they do a lot of actions like dancing, running, jumping, rolling, kicking and doing all sorts of aerobics.

• During the breeding time, both male and female turn more aggressive; they fight initially and have high probability of incurring heavy wounds and damages on both sides because of the fight.

• Emus are shy they usually prefer shadows or dark areas for breeding.

• The female emus make a booming sound, something like a bongo drum; the sound becomes higher while breeding. The males making a grunting noise.

• During the mating time, the male will not allow any kind of distractions that brings diversion or hindrance while breeding (for instance, it does not care about the farmer who enter in their place while the actual process of mating is in progress).

• The female’s air sac is much larger than a male’s air sac.

• The pair mates every day. The female lays an egg every 2 or 3 days, as soon as the male goes broody the female stops mating with him.

• Eventually the female leaves the first male altogether. She may mate with one or two other males after the first one.

These are situation to confirm that emus breeding process is actually taking place.

There are two methods of breeding emus.

1.Selective pairing method

2.Grouping method

Selective pairing method:

In this method, as the name suggests, selectively only one pair of emus are allotted in each area or pen. As there is single pair in each pen, the space will be not convenient for breeding. This may result in incompatibility for them to breed and will ultimately result in fighting and possibility of heavy injuries, poor mating, and decrease in egg fertility and finally results in poor outcome (i.e less hatching).

Grouping method:

In this method, a particular land area will be provided for a small (or) large group emus to breed. It is important to give them sufficient space to avoid fighting and to mate the birds so that the male: female sex ratio is about equal. This method of breeding increases the mating performance, increase in egg fertility and yielding and results in better hatching compare to the other methods.

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